Photography Categories
Top Honors
Photographer of the Year - Chip Baysden, WTTG
Spot News
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First Place - Randall Brown, NBC
Second Place - Ben Martin, ITN
Third Place - Peter Murtaugh, BBC
General News
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First Place - Chip Baysden, WTTG
Second Place - Rob Turner, ITN
Third Place - Peter Murtaugh, BBC
Award of Excellence - Brian Hopkins, WJLA
Day Feature
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First Place - John Landy, BBC
Second Place - Andrew Smith, CCTV
Third Place - Chip Baysden, WTTG
Award of Excellence - Ben Martin, ITN
News Feature
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First Place - Ben Martin, ITN
Second Place - Chip Baysden, WTTG
Third Place - Jeremy Harlan, CNN
Award of Excellence - Rob Turner, ITN
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First Place - Joel Witte, CCTV-America
Second Place - Rob Turner, ITN
Third Place - Duane Watkins, CCTV-America
News Special Reports/Series
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First Place - Ben Martin, ITN
Second Place - Rob Turner, ITN
Third Place - Andrew Smith, CCTV-America
Award of Excellence - Jeremy Moorhead, CNN
Magazine Feature
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First Place - Chip Baysden, WTTG
Second Place - Duane Watkins, CCTV
Third Place - Rob Turner, ITN
Third Place - Joel Witte, CCTV
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First Place - Andrew Smith, CCTV
Second Place - Robert Hill, ABC
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First Place - Andrew Smith, CCTV
Second Place - Donald Lee, CBS News 60 Minutes
Third Place - Murray Pinczuk, PBS Religion & Ethics News Weekly & The NewsHour
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First Place - Alexander S. Rosen, CNN
Second Place - Peter Murtaugh, BBC
Third Place - Ben Martin, ITN
White House/Presidential
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First Place - Jeremy Moorhead, CNN
Second Place - Lance Ing, WTTG/Sinclair Broadcasting
Third Place - Christopher Smyth, Hearst Television WNB
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First Place - Floyd Yarmuth, CNN
Second Place - Randall Brown, NBC News
Third Place - Donald Lee/Chris Albert, CBS News 60 Minutes
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First Place - Jeremy Moorhead, CNN
Second Place - Colm O'Molloy, BBC
Third Place - Lance Ing, WTTG/Sinclair Broadcasting
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First Place - William McKenna, BBC
Second Place - Joann Sierra, CNN
Third Place - Murray Pinczuk, PBS Religion & Ethics News Weekly & The NewsHour
Conflict/Disaster Coverage
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First Place - Louie Palu, Documentary Channel
Second Place - Peter Murtaugh, BBC
Third Place - Donald Lee, CBS News 60 Minutes
Raw Footage
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First Place - Randall Brown, NBC News
Second Place - Ian Druce, BBC
Third Place - Colm O’Molloy, BBC & Getty Images
Editing Categories
Top Honors
Editor of the Year - Chip Baysden, WTTG
Spot News
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First Place - Chris Shlemon, ITN
Second Place - Jeremy Moorhead, CNN
Third Place - Peter Murtaugh, BBC
General News
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First Place - Chip Baysden, WTTG
Second Place - Peter Murtaugh, BBC
Third Place - Ian Druce, BBC
Award of Excellence - Lance Ing, WTTG/Sinclair Broadcasting
Award of Excellence - Jeremy Moorhead, CNN
Day Feature
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First Place - Joann Sierra, CNN
Second Place - Andrew Smith, CCTV America
Third Place - Lance Ing, WJLA ABC-7 / Newschannel 8
Award of Excellence - Chip Baysden, WTTG
Award of Excellence - William McKenna, BBC World News America
News Feature
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First Place - McKenna Ewen, The Washington Post
Second Place - Chris Shlemon, ITN
Third Place - Adam Blair, ITN
Award of Excellence - Mark Allard, Freelance
Award of Excellence - Jeremy Moorhead, CNN
Editing Short Form
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First Place - Chip Baysden, WTTG
Second Place - Chris Shlemon, ITN
Third Place - Lee Powell, The Washington Post
Award of Excellence - Jeremy Harlan, CNN
Award of Excellence - Colm O'Molloy, BBC
Editing Long Form
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First Place - Adam Blair, ITN
Second Place - Chris Shlemon,
Third Place - Jeremy Moorhead, CNN
Award of Excellence - Peter Murtaugh, BBC
Award of Excellence - Joann Sierra, CNN
Magazine Feature
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First Place - William McKenna, BBC
Second Place - Adam Blair, ITN
Third Place - Chip Baysden, WTTG
Award of Excellence - Lance Ing, WTTG/Sinclair Broadcasting
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First Place - Andrew Smith, CCTV America
Second Place - Charles MacDonald, National Geographic Channel
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First Place - Joann Sierra, CNN
Second Place - Chip Baysden, WTTG
Third Place - Andrew Smith, CCTV America
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First Place - Michael Judge, NBC News
Second Place - Chris Shlemon, ITN
Third Place - Jeremy Moorhead, CNN
Award of Excellence - Mark Allard, Freelance
White House/Presidential
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First Place - Michael Judge, NBC News
Second Place - Jeremy Moorhead, CNN
Third Place - Christopher Smyth, Hearst Television WNB
Award of Excellence - Alexander S. Rosen, CNN
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First Place - Chris Shlemon, ITN
Second Place - William McKenna, BBC
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First Place - Charles MacDonald, National Geographic Channel

Peter Cinnante

Kim Fatica
Kim got his start in photojournalism in 1983 while enrolled as a student at Bowling Green State University (OH). He became a student of James R. Gordon, then the editor of News Photographer magazine, and went to work for Gordon as Assistant to the Editor writing stories and taking photos for the publication. Kim received his first full-time job as a photojournalist and reporter for WWAY in Wilmington, NC just three days after graduation and was there only 11 months before heading back to his home market of Cleveland, OH. Kim was in Cleveland for 24 years, serving as a Director of Photography and News Operations Manager for nearly 10 years before relocating to Tampa, FL in 2009. Kim was a regional chairman for the National Press Photographers Association and earned numerous recognitions from the NPPA, Ohio News Photographers Association, The Cleveland Press Club, The Telly Awards, and the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. He has judged the national NPPA POY contest as well as the national Emmy Awards. In 2011, Kim completed his master’s degree in Business Administration from the Florida Institute of Technology. He currently works for WFLA-TV as a videographer/editor/producer. Kim has given more than 40 years of service to his communities as a volunteer for the Boy Scouts of America and is also coaching youth lacrosse in South Tampa.

Megan Mackel
Chief Photographer Megan Mackel has been a part of the New Orleans photojournalism scene since 2010. She’s traveled on assignment to the London and the Sochi Olympic Games and in 2015 she went to Michigan to sit on the judging panel for NPPA’s Best of Photojournalism contest. She enjoys speaking at local schools about her craft and is always on the look out for new and interesting ideas in visual storytelling.

Tony Bielat
Tony Bielat is an experienced visual communicator and storyteller. Degreed in Radio and Television from the University of Illinois, Mr. Bielat was an award-winning television news photographer in Green Bay, Wisconsin. For 21 years, Mr. Bielat led the acclaimed Creative Services team at McDonald’s Corporation, which produces more than 500 original video titles annually. Mr. Bielat personally directed the development and production of large-scale business meetings and live events incorporating video, multimedia, and live performances. Mr. Bielat is currently a digital marketing professional serving clients in the travel and hospitality industry.

Tom Bjelic
Tom is a founding partner of Urban Post Production, one of Canada’s largest Film and Television Post Production Studios. With over 25 years experience in the industry he has amassed hundreds of screen credits spanning multiple genres, from epic war dramas, medieval period pieces, science fiction, horror, westerns to action adventures, comedies and documentaries. His work is internationally recognized and has earned him several Emmy awards in addition to his many Directors Guild, Genie, Golden Reel, Gemini and Canadian Screen Awards. He is also a principle member of Vigilante Productions, a boutique production company that specializes in developing and investing in Independent Film and Television. Urban Post also runs the Royal Cinema, a fully restored art deco era 500 seat theatre that hosts first run, repertory, festival and private screenings.
On his days off you’ll find him there enjoying his favorite classics and eating far too much pop corn. A strong mandate to promote growth in the Production Industry through a platform of creative talent, partnerships, investment and education has always been at the core of Tom’s interests.

Mark Sogofsky
Mark Sogofsky is a Senior Photographer at News 12 Connecticut. Mark is a Connecticut native has worked at News 12 Connecticut for the last 19 years. During that time Mark has acquired a number of honors including multiple New York and Boston Emmy awards, and regional Edward R. Murrow awards for photography and editing. Mark was one of the first journalists on the scene at the Sandy Hook school shooting. He has also covered many national stories for News 12 Connecticut including the hanging chad controversy in Florida during the 2000 presidential election