A series of news pictures that depicts a story line or single theme. 12 photos maximum per story. A picture story depicting the President of the United States, other U.S. politicians, or U.S. politics is NOT eligible in this category.
First Place
Carol Guzy, for ZUMA Press
Gun Violence: A mother wails, “My baby, my baby!” as she tucks her son in for the final time and the coffin closes. Tamika Linbrith’s pain is primal and unrelenting during the funeral for Kylis Fagbemi, 20-year-old victim of a mass shooting in Baltimore that left 2 dead and 28 wounded in what has become a gun violence epidemic in the U.S. ‘He was my protector, my heart,’ wept Tamika. ‘I shouldn’t have to bury my child.’ Another young person lies in a casket with mortal stillness, their hopes and dreams stolen. According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 656 mass shootings in 2023, which doesn’t include individual street incidents occurring daily in cities like DC and Baltimore. Homicides in the nation’s capital were up 35%. As policy-makers debate gun control, the body count rises with innocents caught in the crossfire. It seems society is becoming desensitized begging the question: Is the nation accepting this as a tragic new normal? Aftershocks are crippling and life-changing. Solution based initiatives are part of an epic battle to save our youth and, in many ways, our humanity. The never-ending debate about gun prevention rages on while the body count rises. Soon there is another pool of blood, another vigil, another mother’s tears as she cries ‘My baby, my baby…’
Second Place
Andrew Caballero-Reynolds, Agence France-Presse
The Crossing: In 2023 migrants crossed into the United States, all along the Southern boarder at all times of day in desperation to make it onto U.S. soil. U.S. border forces reported over1.8 million encounters with migrants in 2023 alone.
Third Place
Erin Schaff, The New York Times
He’s a Dab of Glue in a Broken City. Can He Hold It Together?: In America’s overwhelmed downtowns, private security guards like Michael Bock have become the solution of last resort. Most major U.S. cities now have at least three times as many private security guards on the street as sworn police officers, even though guards typically operate with minimal oversight, less training and little power to enforce the law. Spiking rates of homelessness, violent crime and drug overdoses are overwhelming the public safety infrastructure. In Portland, Ore., a record-breaking number of daily emergencies has strained every part of the system: 911 hold times have quintupled, firefighters work overtime to handle more overdoses than actual fires, and each week there are no ambulances left to respond to hundreds of medical emergencies. What has arrived into the void are thousands of private security guards hired by private businesses in what has become one of the country’s fastest-growing industries.
Award of Excellence
Carol Guzy, for ZUMA Press
Tragedy in Turkey: Families wait in painful desperation after a massive 7.8 earthquake struck as bodies of their loved ones are pulled from the rubble of collapsed buildings in Hatay, Turkey after the February 2023 earthquake. The confirmed death toll stood at 59,259 in cities across Turkey and Syria. Many believe shoddy construction was the cause of such excessive fatalities and plan a lawsuit to prevent such dire consequences in the future.‘They killed my sister,’ said Umut Senoglu as he recovers the bodies of 5 loved ones. ‘This is not a natural disaster this is a human caused disaster,’ he says. Throughout the city wails of anguish are heard, rescuers painstakingly search for survivors and in a ray of hope a little girl named Ayah, which means ‘Miracle’ is brought out alive as survivors rejoice.
Award of Excellence
Evelyn Hockstein, Reuters
Destroyed Homes in Kibbutz Nir Oz: After Hamas led deadly attacks in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, Israel has conducted intense bombing and ground campaigns in Gaza.
Award of Excellence
Louie Palu, Agence VU
Nordic Frontline: In reaction to the Russian invasion and war with Ukraine, Finland and Norway have elevated their security status, and sealed their borders with Russia. Finland joined NATO after decades of neutrality and along with many countries in Europe have also begun supplying Ukrainian forces with military aid including sending tanks such as this German made Leopard 2 heavy battle tank. The Arctic has now become a frontline in a widening global geopolitical war. The US has begun stationing troops in Norway and now for the first time in Finland where they are learning about winter warfare and survival in the polar region on this Nordic Frontline.