A series of pictures that depicts a story line or single theme devoted to U.S. politics or a U.S. politician. 12 photos maximum.
First Place
Melina Mara, The Washington Post
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan: President Donald Trump privately nicknamed Speaker of the House Paul Ryan “the Boy Scout.” Paul, as his devoted staff call him, has committed himself to a job his predecessor John Boehner talked him into. The reluctant Speaker of the House has an almost impossible job - manage a chaotic and divided Republican caucus, and pacify a President that doesn’t understand lawmaking. No wonder there are rumors that soon he will quit.
Second Place
Stephen Voss, Politico
The First 100 Days of Trump: The first 100 days of a presidency are often a time of great upheaval as a new administration attempts to put their stamp on history. This administration in particular had profound effects on the city of Washington, DC on both a local and federal level.
Third Place
Brendan Smialowski, Agence France-Presse
Against the Grain: The political realities of Washington, DC are complicated. Often charting his own course, Donald Trump has transitioned from candidate to President. No longer blanketed in the relative security of private life, Trump both enjoys and bucks the constant attention of the public eye. The simplicities of rally speeches has been replaced with the challenges of the Democratic process.
Award of Excellence
Melina Mara, The Washington Post
Tester Miracles: You’ve gotta be folksy if you want to win in Montana as a Democrat. But the truth is that Senator Jon Tester is as much a member of the Beltway elite as any other senator. He just happens to know how to use a tractor for more than a photo op.
Award of Excellence
Melina Mara, The Washington Post
US Democracy In Distress: The US Government is in turmoil. The President has declared himself a “stable genius” who is bucking the Republican establishment, the House and Senate are increasingly fractious and partisan, and journalists must deal with a mounting cascade of events both live and in the “twittersphere.”
Award of Excellence
Doug Mills, The New York Times
Trump's First Year: President Trump had an historic first year at the White House. He campaigned as someone who was not a politician and would come to Washington to shake things up and drain the swamp like no other president. His style is unique and it shows.
Award of Excellence
Evan Vucci, The Associated Press
The Ring Master: Since his early days as a real estate developer and then as a reality television star, Donald Trump has always commanded the spotlight. Through his bombastic personality, twitter feed, and polarizing nature, President Trump is changing the rules and norms of politics by the day. Whether dealing with the shadow of the Russia investigation, the reality of a deeply divided Washington or the aftershocks of his inflammatory comments at home and abroad, Trump's presidency remains at the center of the world's attention.