WHNPA member and Associated Press photographer Jacquelyn Martin was featured with her personal project about albinism in Tanzania in NPPA
Member News
WHNPA member and European Pressphoto Agency Jim Lo Scalzo recent work on Smith Island was featured in the Boston Globe’s Big Picture.
WHNPA member Dennis Brack is publishing his book, “Presidential Picture Stories: Behind the Cameras at the White House” which is expected in stores by December 2013. Keep up to date with news about the book at its Facebook page.
WHNPA member Mary F. Calvert’s important work on sexual assault in the United States mililtary is featured in the New York Times “Lens Blog”.
View work WHNPA member Allison Shelley and her Pulitzer Center project “Chaupadi: Nepali Women’s Monthly Exile” and the barriers to reproductive health care faced by women in rural Nepal.
Congratulations to Mary F. Calvert who was awarded the Canon Female Photojournalist Award 2013.
Dennis Brack has donated his archive of photographic work to the Briscoe Center for American History. In a press release from the Briscoe Center announced the longtime WHNPA member will be housed at the The University of Texas at Austin and consists of, ” more than 150,000 slides” and, “spans the last five decades”.